關係代名詞簡化 練習與計時功能

關係代名詞簡化 練習



1. The apple that is on the table is sweet.

正確答案: The apple on the table is sweet.

解釋:刪除 "that is",直接使用介系詞短語 "on the table" 描述位置。

2. The cat that is under the bed is black.

正確答案: The cat under the bed is black.

解釋:刪除 "that is",直接使用 "under the bed" 說明位置。

3. The dog that is by the door is friendly.

正確答案: The dog by the door is friendly.

解釋:刪除 "that is",保留介系詞短語 "by the door"。

4. The flowers that are near the window are pretty.

正確答案: The flowers near the window are pretty.

解釋:刪除 "that are",直接使用 "near the window" 表示位置。

5. The car that is in the garage is new.

正確答案: The car in the garage is new.

解釋:刪除 "that is",直接使用 "in the garage" 說明位置。

(2)含分詞(V-ing / V-ed)的簡化

6. The boy who is running in the park is my brother.

正確答案: The boy running in the park is my brother.

解釋:刪除 "who is",直接用分詞 "running" 描述男孩的動作。

7. The girl who is singing a song is happy.

正確答案: The girl singing a song is happy.

解釋:刪除 "who is",直接使用 "singing" 描述女孩。

8. The dog that is barking at the cat is loud.

正確答案: The dog barking at the cat is loud.

解釋:刪除 "that is",直接用分詞 "barking" 說明狗正在進行的動作。

9. The window that was broken by the ball is now fixed.

正確答案: The window broken by the ball is now fixed.

解釋:刪除 "that was",直接使用分詞 "broken" 表示被動語態。

10. The letter that was sent by my friend is here.

正確答案: The letter sent by my friend is here.

解釋:刪除 "that was",直接使用分詞 "sent" 描述信件的狀態。




1. When I see a cat, I smile.

正確答案: Seeing a cat, I smile.

解釋:將副詞子句 "When I see a cat" 省略連接詞及主語,改為現在分詞 "Seeing a cat"。

2. While I walk to school, I talk with my friend.

正確答案: Walking to school, I talk with my friend.

解釋:將 "While I walk to school" 簡化為現在分詞片語 "Walking to school"。

3. After I finish lunch, I wash my plate.

正確答案: Finishing lunch, I wash my plate.

解釋:刪除 "After I finish",改用分詞 "Finishing lunch" 表示時間先後。

4. Because I was hungry, I ate an apple.

正確答案: Being hungry, I ate an apple.

解釋:將 "Because I was hungry" 改為分詞片語 "Being hungry" 表示原因。

5. When I open my book, I start reading.

正確答案: Opening my book, I start reading.

解釋:將 "When I open my book" 改為分詞片語 "Opening my book"。

6. While I watch TV, I eat snacks.

正確答案: Watching TV, I eat snacks.

解釋:將 "While I watch TV" 簡化為 "Watching TV"。

7. After I do my homework, I play outside.

正確答案: Doing my homework, I play outside.

解釋:刪除 "After I do my homework",用現在分詞 "Doing my homework" 表示同時或先後關係。

8. When I ride my bike, I feel happy.

正確答案: Riding my bike, I feel happy.

解釋:將 "When I ride my bike" 改為 "Riding my bike"。

9. Because it was late, I went home.

正確答案: It being late, I went home.

解釋:由於主句主詞不同,使用絕對分詞構句 "It being late" 表示原因。

10. While I wait for the bus, I read a book.

正確答案: Waiting for the bus, I read a book.

解釋:將 "While I wait for the bus" 簡化為 "Waiting for the bus"。

【進階題:使用 having + Vpp 】

11. After I finish my breakfast, I go to work.

正確答案: Having finished my breakfast, I go to work.

解釋:用 "Having finished" 表示早餐已完成,強調動作的完成性。

12. After I complete my assignment, I take a break.

正確答案: Having completed my assignment, I take a break.

解釋:使用 "Having completed" 表示作業已完成,再休息。

13. After I see the results, I celebrate.

正確答案: Having seen the results, I celebrate.

解釋:以 "Having seen" 表示結果已見,再進行慶祝。

14. After I receive the package, I open it.

正確答案: Having received the package, I open it.

解釋:使用 "Having received" 表示包裹已收到,再打開它。

15. After I finish the race, I feel tired.

正確答案: Having finished the race, I feel tired.

解釋:以 "Having finished" 表示賽跑結束後,感到疲憊。

回推原本形容詞子句 練習與計時功能

回推原本形容詞子句 練習



1. The apple on the table is sweet.

正確答案: The apple that is on the table is sweet.

解釋:在「on the table」前加入關係代名詞子句 "that is" 來還原完整句。

2. The cat under the bed is black.

正確答案: The cat that is under the bed is black.

解釋:在「under the bed」前加入 "that is" 來還原句子。

3. The dog by the door is friendly.

正確答案: The dog that is by the door is friendly.

解釋:將 "by the door" 前補入 "that is" 還原完整的形容詞子句。

4. The flowers near the window are pretty.

正確答案: The flowers that are near the window are pretty.

解釋:在 "near the window" 前加上 "that are"。

5. The car in the garage is new.

正確答案: The car that is in the garage is new.

解釋:在 "in the garage" 前加上 "that is" 來還原完整句。


6. The boy running in the park is my brother.

正確答案: The boy who is running in the park is my brother.

解釋:在 "running" 前補入 "who is" 以還原完整的關係子句。

7. The girl singing a song is happy.

正確答案: The girl who is singing a song is happy.

解釋:將 "singing" 前加入 "who is" 來還原形容詞子句。

8. The dog barking at the cat is loud.

正確答案: The dog that is barking at the cat is loud.

解釋:在 "barking" 前加上 "that is" 還原完整句。

9. The window broken by the ball is now fixed.

正確答案: The window that was broken by the ball is now fixed.

解釋:在 "broken" 前補入 "that was" 來表達被動語態的完整關係子句。

10. The letter sent by my friend is here.

正確答案: The letter that was sent by my friend is here.

解釋:在 "sent" 前補入 "that was" 來還原完整的形容詞子句。



請根據下列分詞構句,回推還原成原本的副詞子句(例如:將 "Seeing a cat, I smile." 還原成 "When I see a cat, I smile.")。

1. Seeing a cat, I smile.

正確答案: When I see a cat, I smile.

解釋:使用 "When I see" 取代 "Seeing a cat",表達相同的時間概念。

2. Walking to school, I talk with my friend.

正確答案: While I walk to school, I talk with my friend.

解釋:以 "While I walk" 還原表示同時進行的副詞子句。

3. Finishing lunch, I wash my plate.

正確答案: After I finish lunch, I wash my plate.

解釋:用 "After I finish" 還原表示在完成午餐之後的副詞子句。

4. Being hungry, I ate an apple.

正確答案: Because I was hungry, I ate an apple.

解釋:以 "Because I was hungry" 還原表達原因的副詞子句。

5. Opening my book, I start reading.

正確答案: When I open my book, I start reading.

解釋:以 "When I open" 還原表示時間的副詞子句。

6. Watching TV, I eat snacks.

正確答案: While I watch TV, I eat snacks.

解釋:以 "While I watch" 表達同時進行的副詞子句。

7. Having done my homework, I play outside.

正確答案: After I do my homework, I play outside.

解釋:以 "After I do my homework" 還原表示先後順序的副詞子句。(雖然可用 "Having done my homework" 表示完成,但此題要求回推還原成完整副詞子句形式。)

8. Riding my bike, I feel happy.

正確答案: When I ride my bike, I feel happy.

解釋:以 "When I ride" 還原表示時間的副詞子句。

9. It being late, I went home.

正確答案: Because it was late, I went home.

解釋:以 "Because it was late" 還原表示原因的副詞子句。(因為原句中主詞不同,所以使用完整的從句。)

10. Waiting for the bus, I read a book.

正確答案: While I wait for the bus, I read a book.

解釋:以 "While I wait" 還原表示同時進行的副詞子句。

【進階題:使用 having + Vpp 】

11. After I have eaten dinner, I watch TV.

正確答案: Having eaten dinner, I watch TV.

解釋:用 "Having eaten dinner" 表示在觀看電視前,晚餐已經吃完,強調完成性。

12. After I have finished my work, I go to bed.

正確答案: Having finished my work, I go to bed.

解釋:使用 "Having finished my work" 表示工作已完成後再睡覺。

13. After I have taken a shower, I feel refreshed.

正確答案: Having taken a shower, I feel refreshed.

解釋:用 "Having taken a shower" 表示淋浴完畢後感覺清新。

14. After I have seen the movie, I discuss it with my friend.

正確答案: Having seen the movie, I discuss it with my friend.

解釋:使用 "Having seen the movie" 表示電影看過之後再討論。

15. After I have read the book, I write a report.

正確答案: Having read the book, I write a report.

解釋:以 "Having read the book" 表示在寫報告前,已經把書讀完。