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There’s no system too big to reimagine—not even the criminal justice system

Do you ever scroll through images of beautiful lettering on Instagram and think to yourself that if you could do the same?

Nam eget faucibus felis. Vivamus quis enim lectus. Phasellus justo mi, ornare id venenatis ac, gravida sed ante. Fusce eget nisl id nisi tempus blandit.

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Total collections, quoting, enrollment, and reporting in Italian and English.


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Do you ever scroll through images of beautiful lettering on Instagram and think to yourself that if you could do the same?

Nam eget faucibus felis. Vivamus quis enim lectus. Phasellus justo mi, ornare id venenatis ac, gravida sed ante. Fusce eget nisl id nisi tempus blandit.


Geoff La Couvee




toeic english


-TOEIC寫作200分, -聽力和閱讀 965分。 美國匹茲堡州立大學(PSU)交換學生一年。 第四屆台中外語協會主辦的全台中英文演講比賽 第 1 名。

Esther Howard

Assistant Professor