Ans 1.

“Many people are earnestly studying in the library.”(x)
“Many people are earnestly studying in a library.”(○)


“More than 50 people are diligently studying in the library.”(x)

“More than 50 people are diligently studying in a library.” (○)



“The students are sitting inside the classroom.”(x)

“The students are sitting inside a classroom.”(○)

Ans 2.

“The students are sitting inside the classroom, and they all seem to be quite happy.”(x)

“The students are sitting inside a classroom, and they all seem to be quite happy.”(○)


Ans 3.

“The graduates throw their graduation caps into the air.”

Ans 3.

“The graduates throw their graduation caps into the air, as if they are tossing out the pressure from their minds.”


Ans 4.

“Two basketball players are jumping in the air to grab the basketball.”

Ans 4

“The basketball player in red and the one in white are jumping in the air, vying for the basketball in a basketball game.”


Ans 5.

“Three people are taking selfies outdoors using a selfie stick.”

Ans 5.

“Two girls and one boy are using a selfie stick to take photos outdoors at what seems to be a tourist spot.”


Ans 6

Subject: Re: Charity Run Registration


Thank you for reaching out and providing the registration form. I’m eager to participate in the charity run! However, before I proceed with filling out the form, I have a couple of questions:


    1. Event Details: Could you please provide more information about the charity run itself? I’d like to know the date, time, location, and any specific instructions or requirements for participants.

    1. Volunteer Opportunities: Are there any opportunities to volunteer or assist with the event other than participating in the run? If so, could you please provide details on how individuals can get involved in volunteering?

Thank you for your time and assistance. I appreciate your help in clarifying these details.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Ans 6.

Subject: Additional Queries Regarding Charity Run Registration

Dear Event Organizer,

I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for sending over the registration form for the upcoming charity run. I’m excited to participate and contribute to this meaningful cause.

Before proceeding with the registration process, I would appreciate clarification on a couple more points:


    1. Payment Method Clarification: Could you kindly specify the accepted methods of payment for the registration fee? Additionally, if there are any payment deadlines or instructions related to this, it would be helpful to have them outlined.

    1. Packet Pickup Details: Could you please provide information regarding when and where participants can pick up their event packets? Knowing the pickup location and schedule would assist in planning ahead and ensuring a smooth experience on the day of the run.

Thank you once again for organizing this event and for your assistance in addressing these queries. I look forward to receiving clarification on these matters so that I can proceed with the registration process promptly.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Ans 7.

Subject: Questions About Conference Schedule

Hi Conference Organizer,

I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for sending the conference plan. It’s great to have all the info beforehand.

After checking the plan, I’m excited about the sessions coming up. But I have a couple of questions:

Speaker introduction : Can you tell us a bit about the speakers for each session? Knowing their background will help me understand what they’re talking about better.

Workshop Materials: Do we need to bring anything specific for the workshops listed? And are there any readings we should do beforehand?

Thanks for helping out. I am looking forward to hearing back and attending the conference.

Best, [Your Name]

Ans 7.

Subject: Inquiry Regarding Conference Agenda

Dear Conference Organizer,

I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for sending over the conference agenda. I appreciate the effort put into organizing the event and providing attendees with necessary information in advance.

Having reviewed the attached agenda, I am looking forward to the various sessions and discussions planned for the conference. However, I have a couple of queries for which I seek clarification:


    1. Speaker introduction : Could you please provide brief introduction or backgrounds of the speakers scheduled for each session? Knowing more about their expertise and backgrounds would help me better understand the topics they will be addressing and prepare relevant questions.

    1. Workshop Materials: For the workshops listed in the agenda, will participants be required to bring any specific materials or devices? Additionally, if there are any prerequisites or recommended readings/materials to prepare beforehand, it would be helpful to receive guidance on this matter.

Thank you for your attention to these inquiries. I look forward to your response and to attending the conference.

Best regards, [Your Name]


Ans 8.

I agree with the statement that social media has a negative impact on society. Social media platforms have profoundly altered the dynamics of human interaction, often for the worse. The incessant use of social media has led to increased isolation, decreased productivity, and exacerbated mental health issues.

Firstly, social media promotes isolation by substituting real-life interactions with virtual ones. People spend countless hours scrolling through feeds, consuming content passively, rather than engaging in meaningful face-to-face conversations. This lack of genuine connection can lead to feelings of loneliness and alienation, especially among younger generations.

Secondly, social media has a detrimental effect on productivity. The constant notifications and distractions pull users away from important tasks, leading to a decrease in efficiency. Moreover, the addictive nature of these platforms encourages procrastination, hindering individuals from fulfilling their responsibilities and achieving their goals.

Furthermore, social media contributes to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The curated nature of posts creates unrealistic expectations and fosters feelings of inadequacy among users. Additionally, cyberbullying and online harassment have become rampant, causing immense psychological distress for victims.

In conclusion, social media’s negative impact on society is undeniable. Its propensity to foster isolation, decrease productivity, and exacerbate mental health issues highlights the urgent need for individuals to reassess their relationship with these platforms. While social media undoubtedly offers benefits, such as connecting people across vast distances, its detrimental effects cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is imperative that users exercise moderation and prioritize real-life interactions to mitigate the adverse consequences of social media use.

Ans 8.

In considering the question of whether social media has a negative impact on society, I firmly agree that its influence tends to be detrimental. The proliferation of social media platforms has undeniably reshaped the fabric of human interaction and societal norms. However, beneath the veneer of connectivity and information sharing lies a complex web of issues that exacerbate societal divisions and undermine collective well-being.

One significant reason for the negative impact of social media on society is its role in amplifying echo chambers and reinforcing existing biases. Algorithms designed to maximize user engagement often prioritize content that aligns with users’ preconceived beliefs, leading to the proliferation of misinformation and the entrenchment of polarized viewpoints. This phenomenon creates a fertile ground for the spread of extremist ideologies and contributes to the erosion of trust in institutions.

Furthermore, social media platforms have been implicated in exacerbating mental health issues, particularly among vulnerable demographics such as adolescents. The constant exposure to carefully curated images of idealized lifestyles fosters feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, leading to a rise in anxiety and depression. Moreover, the relentless pursuit of likes and validation fuels a culture of comparison and superficiality, detracting from genuine human connection and empathy.

Another detrimental aspect of social media is its susceptibility to exploitation for nefarious purposes, including the dissemination of hate speech and the incitement of violence. The anonymity afforded by online platforms emboldens individuals to express vitriolic sentiments they might not otherwise voice in public spaces. Consequently, marginalized communities are disproportionately subjected to online harassment and discrimination, perpetuating cycles of injustice and social unrest.

In conclusion, the negative impact of social media on society manifests in various ways, from exacerbating polarization and mental health issues to facilitating the spread of hate speech. While social media undoubtedly offers opportunities for connection and information sharing, its unchecked proliferation without adequate safeguards has unleashed a Pandora’s box of societal challenges. As we navigate the digital landscape, it is imperative to critically evaluate the role of social media in shaping our collective future and strive for solutions that prioritize the well-being of society as a whole.

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